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Motortraining blije dame.

Een Goeie Motor

( A Good Motorcycle)

Home: Welkom
Startscherm van motorfiets filmpjes.

Een Goeie Motor

Our motorcycle company is RDW licensed.

We are registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 75929171.

You can view the motorcycle with good lighting and take it for a test ride if you are seriously interested.

If you are considering buying the motor, it is wise to set your bank app daily limit in advance so that the total amount can be paid.

Also consider taking your driving license and your e.dentifier / raboscanner etc.
If you prefer cash payment, that is of course also possible.

We can transfer the motorcycle directly to your name.

If you don't have a Dutch driving license, you must personally go to the RDW to have the motorcycle registered in your name.


We work by appointment only, daily between 07:00 and 21:00.

Home: Over ons

Hugo Mulder-Wessel


For a good  motorcycle you have come to the right place!

Always sharp photos and a clear description for each bike!


All our bikes are neatly polished and ready to go!

We keep our sales prices low!
This is possible because we do not have large costs for business premises and personnel.

voorraad occasion motorfietsen in de achtertuin.
Poetsbrug in de werkschuur.
Home: Openingstijden
Offer your own motorcycle for sale?
A Good Motor is affiliated with Motor fast away.
Your motorcycle,
sold quickly!

By appointment only!
Daily from
7:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Please make an appointment via:

The Marktplaats app, Whattsapp, email or telephone.

Een Goeie Motor
Hugo Mulder-Wessel
De Visserlaan 88


Home: Contact
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